wellenton id

Enhance your strategic execution across the internet with our newly invented type of email that doubles as a multitasking hub with built in command functionality.

World Intellectual Property Organization Stamp Of Approval

Patent Pending : PCT/US2011/067316

Subscribe to my email newsletter and take one of our prototype emails for a test drive.

See instructions at bottom of page.


Wellenton Project’s new Email ID was born from personal struggle. Father and son duo spent numerous years working on separate side projects before joining forces to launch their new email ID via The Wellenton Project.

Visit our wellenton ID website

Inventor – Technical Lead

G. Smith

Project Manager

K. Smith

Technical Tasks – PWID-0

  • Code Prototype Modules
  • Design Documentation
  • User Interface Improvement
  • Manual Generation of 1000 IDs
  • Test Reliability
  • Distribute (beta) to Testers
  • Feedback
  • Fix
  • Summary Report



A robust and reliable prototype that can support 1000+ active monthly users by month 12. A summary report documenting performance requirements and maintenance cost will be submitted at the end of month 14. Findings will outline strategy for the next phase PWID-1


The goal of this project is to ensure that “overlooked” talent can continue to grow their capabilities without being boxed in by artificial barriers.

Visit our wellenton ID website

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