
My story begins as a last man standing from an independent entrepreneurial team that was lost to the road less traveled.

I washed ashore exhausted, experienced, and bankrupt after self-financing my bachelors of business administration degree, walking away from an 80K promotion, cashing out my entire 401K savings, and spending the last 8 1/2 years working no growth jobs in between start and stop entrepreneurial endeavors. During the middle act of my exploration, I parlayed a 12/hr temp job into five years of managing 2.1 million dollars worth of business for an exhibit design company and 1.8 million dollars worth of business for a promotion products company.

I’m now a married, work from home dad, who watches newborn twins and sells video game accessories to retailers out of his basement office. I’ve relocated to a small town just 20 miles outside of the big city. I haven’t seen or spoken to any of my former mates since we washed ashore but the many lessons learned from our entrepreneurial adventure still consume my daily thoughts.

Moments of down time are spent back in the big city where I walk familiar streets and revisit old hangouts. A lot has changed but the city’s ambition and energy still electrifies. This is the place where we, an ambitious, “left-behind”, group of aspiring talent, spent countless hours planning our way back to the America’s Dream. I see many new faces grouped in teams, crafting strategies, and conversing about who is going to buy what when they get out there and make it.

Unfortunately, this new group of aspiring talent has built their dreams upon outdated business strategies from 17 years ago. Everything that these aspiring individuals have been taught about launching a project from scratch is wrong. I’m the last man standing from an independent entrepreneurial team that previously had traveled the same road. Their business plans, spreadsheets, and colorful, graphs will be rendered useless against the unforgiving seas of entrepreneurial opportunity. It’s going to take a lot more than neatly written words on a piece of paper for “Left-Behind” talent to successfully turn their natural capabilities into vibrant ways of life.

And I know firsthand of the pain it causes. After washing ashore experienced, exhausted and bankrupt, I spent ten years as a Mr. Mom who sold video game accessories from his basement. I, too, was stranded on the island of “Left-Behind”. Fortunately, my  passion for the entrepreneurial process, enabled me to digest lessons learned, reshuffle my mix bag of experiences, regain control, and rewrite my default life contract.

Today, I teach ‘left-behind’ talent the seven core building blocks to executing an elite human journey and I’m launching a new patent pending technology that exponentially, improves entrepreneurial execution over the internet via a newly invented type of email that doubles as a multitasking hub with built in command functionality. (patent# PCT/US2011/067316)

Practical solutions to real problems tend to come from those closest to that problem. I’ve spent 17 years crawling through mud, rocks, sticks, and broken branches before making my escape off the island of ‘left-behind’. The biggest problem for those stranded on the island of “left-behind” is the infrastructure. The default platform underneath the entire island diminishes entrepreneurial control and perpetually dilutes the effects from each positive effort made. Every three and a half steps forward equals one step gained. Today, I’ve teamed up with other independent developers, supporters, mentors, and mentees and we’ve decided to seed a new technological infrastructure under the name Wellenton Project. Wellenton Project directly addresses ‘left-behind’ talent’s infrastructure problem. Our new infrastructure is patent pending, platform-free, and it features a newly invented type of email that doubles as a multitasking hub. Wellenton project’s new email and infrastructure has help me rewrite my default life contract and I’m confident that Wellenton project will help other “left-behind” talent do the same.

Reaching our prototype milestone was an extremely difficult task. The effort lasted many years and was saturated with adversity.

Stuck in between a rock and a hard place

Following the “NORM” of enrolling the twins into a respectable preschool while commuting back and forth to work was NOT an option due to financial constraint. It was a break even proposition. All of the net money would flow into the institution.

$1400 x 12 months = $16,800 / year ( $67,200 / 4 years)

Should I put all of my eggs into the preschool basket and absolutely have nothing left to live on or place the kids into a below average environment and scrape by?

I desperately searched and searched but NO ready made solution out there fit my needs.

Mr. Mom

I decided that staying home with the twins was our best option. It took a few months, but I negotiated with my employer and performed my way into working from home.

I hurried down into the basement and cleared out a small space for my old computer and desk. I didn’t have much time to get organized because the next morning was my going to be my first day as a work from home Mr. Mom.

My strategic execution allowed me to come back from a place where there’s no way back from.

Success came from my specialized skill of having the ability to assess big pictures, unpack its components, assign values to the pieces, arrange in order, and manage multiple moving parts while maintaining maximum efficiency and effectiveness in relation to resources and goal at hand.

Professional Experience:

  • Help multiple territory, SaaS Sales Executives, with Presales activities inside the Legal E-Discovery, Healthcare Billing, Legal Billing, Financial Accounting, and Pharmaceutical Lab Monitoring spaces.
  • Developed book of business from scratch. Prospected, qualified, closed, and managed 30 plus independent retail accounts, totaling $200,000 in sales, and one corporate account, totaling $150,000 in sales
  • Managed account base of 40 clients totaling $1.4M in annual sales exceeding (04) by $700,000.Closed six new key accounts contributing $210,000 to new business. Achieved 100% on-time project deliveries.
  • Led cross-functional team of Account Executives, Designers, Project Managers, Estimators, Manufacturing Foreman, and Logistic Supervisors in order to manage and maintain 20 accounts totaling 2.1 million dollars.
  • Facilitated worldwide distribution of all promotion premiums and training manuals for (3) Marketing and Sales managers.
  • Assigned and distributed daily workflow targets for 40 repair technicians while supervising internal staff of (5). Successfully trained class of 15 new hires for (3) months.
  • Self-financed Bachelor of Business Administration Degree by working full-time.

Unfortunately, my success was more exception than rule. Too much talent continues to perish on the sidelines because of bad strategy and broken execution.

The ‘American Dream’ of upward mobility is broken. Look at the numbers

Mark R Rank and Lawrence M E

The US has far less mobility and equality of opportunity today than almost the entire European Union

link to article

Subscribe to my email newsletter and improve the execution of your human journey. Each week, I discuss the ups and downs of Wellenton Project, my crowd fund initiative that aims to test our newly invented type of email that doubles as a multitasking hub with built in command functionality. Follow along and use my custom designed management tool, documentation, notes, and podcast discussions as study material for your own efforts.

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What you will find inside my newsletter.

Wellenton Project is a crowd fund initiative that aims to help ‘left-behind’ talent improve their entrepreneurial execution over the internet via teaching and technology. Our growing group of independent developers, supporters, mentors, and mentees has come together to help, Kindal Smith, deliver entrepreneurial strategy design teaching to ‘left-behind’ talent and assist with the seeding of a new internet infrastructure called Emunikay Technology. This new technological framework improves entrepreneurial execution via its patent pending email that doubles as a multitasking hub with built in command functionality. (PCT/US2011/067316) We have working prototypes in hand but we need help with testing. From inside this newly invented type of email, you can manage group projects and tasks, network, use text commands, and this new email is voice command enabled. Users now can network and manage tasks across the internet without having to use platforms while enjoying the fruits of better entrepreneurial strategy design. The internet is a public resource for all. Our new ‘platform-free’ technology helps to ensure that ALL talent, even those from unlikely places, can directly tap into quality opportunities across an open and decentralized internet. Help fund this effort by subscribing to our newsletter, making a donation and taking one of our prototype emails for a test drive, or by making a purchase at our merch shop.

Browse Free Podcast Clips, Notes, and More

Visit Our Free Class And Learn The Seven Core Building Blocks To Executing An Elite Human Journey.


Participants will receive a complementary copy of Wellenton’s Flow Framework. This is a new, innovative tool used for framing, executing, and measuring daily entrepreneurial decisions. Participants also will be asked to apply Wellenton’s Flow framework to their current projects and participate in a weekly Q&A session for practical knowledge retention and re-enforcement.

Donate And Take Our Patent Pending Technology For A Test Drive.


Pledge Your Support

Your Support In Action

1) Paying For Testing Server(s) And Bandwidth Fees

Enabling platform-free networking with command functionality requires a setup that resembles website hosting. Each Wellenton ID acts like a web address or domain name that requires a yearly name registration. To envoke your ID’s functionality, server resources with bandwiith are needed for each activated ID.

2) Fixing Bugs And Creating Test Cases

Pay for programming help. Improving robustness and code security is a priority here. 

3) Designing User Interface – First Pass

Currently, each prototype email has a bare bones user interface. Its sufficient to navigate feature testing and not much more. Receiving real feedback from users will be used to help design the UI. 

4) Completing Technology Documentation

Emunikay technology is an architected technological framework. We have an outline and notes but need to fomalize into true documentation for developers.

5) Enhancing Database

Pay for additional programming help. There is definitely some areas of the database that need improvement. Again, database is sufficient to execute prototype modules and prove our patent claim. 

6) Manually Manufacturing New Email IDs To Be Stored In Inventory

We will be paying $20 to each 3rd party participant who completes the manual ID generation task.

Importance Of This Project

Platform Free

Wellenton Project is NOT a platform. We’re an ecosystem of networked, independent, email IDs that double as multitasking hubs. We facilitate interactions without distinct sets of users having to be interdependent.

Removing artificial barriers from individual uplift is the name of the game. You shouldn’t have to spin your wheels asking others for permission to grow your talent. Unfortunately, today’s mainstream platforms are turning into opportunity gatekeepers. A lot of control has fallen into the hands of a few. Independence is being lost as mainstream platforms increase censorship and restrict opportunities for monetization. The internet is a public resource for all. Our Platform Free technology helps to ensure that ALL talent, even those from unlikely places, can directly tap into quality opportunities across an open and decentralized internet. Seeding an alternative internet infrastructure that is eager to develop innovative ideas found at the bottom and at the top, will truly put our nation on a path toward long term success and to fulfilling the original definition of the “American Dream” as coined by James Truslow Adams. (See Below)

“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper class to interpret adequately, and too many of us have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”

-James Truslow Adams. The Epic of America

Project Status = Prototype

We have a working demo, not the final product.This newly invented type of email (based on our patent-pending emunikay framework) doubles as a multitasking hub with built in command functionality. It serves as the main technological infrastructure that drives our mission of delivering teaching and technology to capable talent who reside in overlooked places.

The World Intellectual Property Organization has given our patent pending, emunikay ID framework, its stamp of approval! PCT/US2011/067316

Project Risks and Challenges

We are still a ways off from having a commercially viable product. Yes, our initial core prototype modules have been designed and coded but now we need to conduct a large scale reliability and performance test with multiple users. We also need to start designing the User Interface and automate our ID generation process. Acquired feedback will be used to revisit and enhance prototype design. 2nd level programming improvements will be made where necessary.   

The main challenge we foresee is intermittent delays and disruptions due to the coordination of competing deadlines across volunteers, backers, and third party programmers. Because we opted not to pursue institutional investment at this juncture, money for development and testing is not in abundance. This is a bootstrap effort. Bootstrapping is building a company from the ground up with limited resources. Extremely limited resources can inhibit growth, prevent promotion, and even undermine the quality and integrity of the product or service envisioned. I will be making posts inside our newsletter to record progress and keep backers informed of our milestones and achievements. 

That being said, bringing a technology product to market is extremely challenging but not impossible. My father and I are both capable talents from overlooked places. I have over 20 years of sales and project management experience with small companies and startups while my father has accumulated over 30 years of programming experience as a Technical Lead for IBM. 


  • Working prototype in hand (proving patent claims)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization / PCT – Stamp of Approval
  • Submitted US Patent – Status: Pending – # PCT/US2011/067316
  • Architecture of Software – Incomplete
  • Description of Each and Every Feature – Incomplete
  • UI Design – Incomplete
  • Manual ID Generation and Management –  Complete
  • Prototype Testing – Incomplete

Where we are today?

  • Crowdfund prototype testing and manual ID generation
  • Recruit Test Audience
  • Capture Feedback
  • Document Test Cases
  • Manually Generate 1000 IDs
  • Write Design Document
  • Rewrite Prototype Code (improve robustness)
  • Fix Bugs / Maintenance
  • UI Design – First Pass
  • Database Enhancement

Next Step?

  • Performance Analysis
  • Automate The ID Generation and Management Process
  • UI Design – 2nd Pass
  • Database Enhancement – 2nd Pass
  • Test – 2nd Pass
  • Capture Feedback
  • Fix Bugs / Maintenance – 2nd Pass

Again, help ‘left-behind’ talent get unstuck by subscribing to our email newsletter, interacting with our free content, or by making a donation and taking one of our prototype emails for a test drive.

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Step two – Text below command to above email address

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Donate and take one of our prototype emails for a test drive.